BEAST Son Dongwoon, "No more suspicion!" Confirmed picture make fans 'Cheer'
Tuesday, 4 May 2010

On the 28th, Son Dongwoon’s uploaded picture on community site DCinside ‘B2ST (BEAST) Gallery’ was bringing up interest among the fans.
For the non believing fans, he uploaded a selca he took at his company and a message saying, “Hello. This is magnae Dongwoon~ I was just going to give a little bit of evidence [that it’s actually me] but now I’m just leaving full evidence. Please keep giving BEAST lots of love! If you say something about my skin troubles, more will appear so please just think it to yourself.”
For fans who were still unsure with Dongwoon’s picture and message, he uploaded the same picture to his minihompage saying “No more suspicion! Evidence!”.
Fans who saw this left comments saying “He wants us to think it to ourselves keke”, “Son Namshin’s* evidence and again evidence”, “It looks like their apartment not their company!”, “Oppa, you don’t look old anymore! Son Dongan**!!”.
Meanwhile, Son Dongwoon’s group BEAST, on the 29th, is preparing for their follow up song ‘Special’ and has released a new version of ‘Easy’. ***
CREDITS: TheSTAR (SOURCE); birdsareweird@B2ST Rising (TRANS)
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