Just recently making a comeback with their title song ‘Y’ MBLAQ’s Leader uploaded pictures taking with fellow member GO’s nephews.
With the title of ‘Cutie’ he left an affectionate message saying “GO's nephew, Wan. He's so cute. One picture at the Kim Haeng Event. Last time he came with the colored hair that he copied from GO. This time. New era. Cutie. kekeke”
Two days after posting that picture on the 19th he posted another picture titled “Cutie 2” with the words “Yoon-ah hyung.I didn't not upload you because I didn't want to upload you. ^^ hehe It was because it was in another phone. that's why. Understand. You are a hyung than Wan-ee. he he he Sulking prohibited ke ke” showing the tenderness features of an uncle.
In this picture it seems they matched for Seungho and GO’s two nephews to wear their hats to the sides.
Fans who have seen the pictures of Seungho and GO’s two nephews have responded by saying “The little kid wearing the red hat resembles GO~” “The thing revealed here is Seungho oppa has 2 phones^^” “All three must have eaten fruit ke ke” “All three are cute ㅠㅠ”
On the other hand, the group Seungho is in, MBLAQ has released their second single title song ‘Y’ last 18th and is currently active with not only music programs but with CF, variety programs, radios, and more.
Source: The Star Chosun
Translation: mir-ified @ AbsoluteMBLAQ
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