SNSD Yuri is busy studying for college!
Sunday, 25 April 2010

I guess there are a lot of sone vigilante's everywhere and manages to take a snapshot of Yuri studying. Kinda different from the usual Yuri you see on stage and on variety shows since she has minimal or has no make up at all in the picture and is writing on a notebook with a bottle of water!
Ah~ college life, they said its the biggest turning point in your life, cause what you do in college will determine what you will do in the future :) Im in my up coming third year in college as well and to Yuri, me and all college students HWAITING!
we should look at her as a role model :) Studying despite their hectic schedule :D Me, I should study despite my hectic schedule of kpop blogging and surfing the net ^^
Thank you Nelle @ Facebook for the tip as always :))
PHOTO CREDITS: Yurui912@Twitte
Credits: Blue_princess@DKpopnews
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